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Tuning Into Knowledge

I’m an information seeker. I’m a curious fellow. I love information. Fiction, not so much. Potentially, I got like this because I’ve spent my lifetime admiring, chasing, and watching my older brother, Rick Elmhorst, the anchor on Tampa Bays BayNews9.

During the pandemic, like many other Americans I converted my information sources from handheld paper or my computer to my AirPods.

These days, it all flows in through my ears. Listening to these sources allows me to multitask. Working out, driving, or doing chores around the house can also be a productive time. I’d like to give you an idea of what I’m listening to these days and when I’m taking this in. Maybe you will enjoy them too. Or, maybe you will say, “Heck no, Kurt. That’s your job.”  Even if that’s so, at least you will get some insight into the enormous amount of care we take to make sure we are the most up-to-date Financial Advisors for you and your family.

While driving to and from early morning workouts and during the actual workout, I typically listen to NPR News Now.

It’s a five-minute podcast about world news. I also listen to the Wall Street Journal’s podcast called What’s News. It’s a longer podcast more about world financial news. I watch the news in a more traditional setting while eating breakfast. As soon as I hit the desk, I have a series of emails that I am able to read quickly about specific investment, economic and market news. By 9 am, when the market opens, I’m totally up to speed on things like Apple’s earnings report, the Federal Reserve’s outlook on interest rates, and even a potential oil distribution disruption across the world. Sound boring?  Not for me. I’m fascinated by it.

I’ve recently completed two books on Audible.

Audiobooks have been growing their share by 106% since 2017. My physician recommended I listen to Outlive:  The Science & Art of Longevity by Dr. Peter Attia. He discusses a proactive outlook to health. It’s very popular…and great.

The second book is The Algebra of Wealth:  A Simple Formula For Financial Security by Professor Scott Galloway. If a young person could do exactly what this book says, they would be almost assured to show up to retirement and be financially independent and in a position to use their financial blessings to help others. I love it. I’m asking you to cajole a young person you care for to read it. It will help them understand what you and I have been doing for decades to put ourselves in the position that we are in.

Please know that The Allen Way is to do everything we can do to be the best for you.

We are passionate about what we do. It’s not a job. It’s not a career. It’s a way of life. We get the greatest sense of gratification in knowing that we get to serve you.

September 2024

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