A job change is a big life event — we’ll help you handle your retirement account(s) during the transition.
When the status of your employment changes and you have a retirement account with that employer, there can be some confusion as to what you should do next. How do I handle the funds from that retirement account, what are my options?
Don’t worry, it’s totally normal to have these concerns, and it’s a common question our team is asked on a daily basis. Everyone is at a different point on their financial path in life, so the right answer for someone else is not necessarily the right answer for you.
But, the right move here can make a considerable difference in your tax implications. Our advisors work closely with other financial professionals — and you personally — to help you get and stay on the path to success. Make the most of your new job and the options available to you!
I’d like to talk to an experienced financial advisor on how to handle my retirement accounts.
What should I do with my previous retirement account(s)?
This is going to depend on your whole financial picture. Our financial advisors will meet with you personally to determine your stage in life and your financial goals. This will help decide how to optimize the funds you’ve built up in your previous retirement account, and where to go from here!
Should I keep my old retirement account(s) active?
Many clients ask our advisors: “Should I just keep the money where it is? Do I need to move it over?” The right answer can depend on many factors, and your Allen & Company Financial Advisor can help show you the way. They’ll also help you answer questions like:
- Is there a restriction on the length of time I can keep this money in that former plan?
- Can I still add money to that plan?
What if I want to transfer funds to a new plan?
You may have a wide variety of options available to you in terms of how to handle your previous retirement account, and that could include transferring the funds to your new employer’s plan. Our advisors can help guide you through the process and avoid any common mistakes or undesirable tax implications.
Have an Allen & Company financial advisor guide you through your retirement account transition.
I’d like to talk to a financial advisor that can help me with my retirement account(s) while I am changing jobs.
At Allen & Company, we’ve been serving our clients with dignity and integrity since 1932. It’s our mission to make a profound and positive difference in your life and the communities we serve. Put our experience to work and let us help you through.
I’d like to meet an Allen & Company advisor.
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