We help the associates of Bond Clinic pursue their retirement planning and financial goals.
Bond Clinic has been serving the Winter Haven and surrounding Florida communities for decades, with a commitment to treating patients with respect and integrity. At Allen & Company, we share these same core values, helping our clients to work toward their dreams with personalized service since 1932. As such, we’re proud to partner with Bond Clinic — it’s our role to help associates optimize their 401(k) retirement plans and personal investment and financial needs.
Bond Clinic is neither endorsed by or affiliated with LPL Financial.
How much money will I need to retire?
The amount of money one needs for retirement is based on one’s lifestyle needs. This is what makes planning for retirement such a nuanced endeavor.
The truth is that each individual has different values, and enjoys different aspects of life. Think about finding a purpose in your retirement, and this will help you determine your income needs. Some folks enjoy traveling the world, others would like to leave a legacy for their children and grandchildren. Others aim to continue their life’s work as long as they can, or volunteer for their dearest causes.
We’re all unique, and it’s crucial to our financial advisors to help you form your financial goals and work toward them.
Talk to your dedicated Allen & Company financial advisor about your retirement plan.
Our Financial Advisors say:
How do I factor in Social Security and Medicare for retirement?
Social Security and Medicare are important factors in planning for retirement. Having a guaranteed source of income through Social Security is a great benefit and will help supplement other retirement assets you have saved through the years. With healthcare costs continually increasing, the benefits of Medicare are becoming more and more important as well — healthcare can become an endless funnel to which all of your money goes in the later years your life, and planning for this is crucial.
Talk to your Allen & Company advisor and estimate your Social Security benefits.
How can Allen & Company help me with my financial needs?
We take a deeply personalized approach to helping Bond Clinic associates and long-term employees pursue their financial goals. It’s important to us to provide both consultation and convenience, making it both easy and beneficial to work with us on managing your 401(k) account and beyond.
- Regular “Lunch and Learn” meetings sponsored by Allen & Company to help keep you in the loop and answer questions
- Retirement planning with a focus on clear answers and convenience
- The ability to efficiently manage your 401(k) and personal investments together
Talk with your Allen & Company financial advisor about how we can help.
What we do:
In addition to managing your 401(k), we offer a full portfolio of wealth management solutions, including private wealth management.
How do I start contributing to my Bond Clinic 401(k), or change my contributions and investments?
Start saving for the future with these quick steps:
I need to start contributing to my Bond Clinic 401(k).
- Visit retiresmart.com and click on “create an account.”
- Once you have created an account, you will be able to set the percentage of your paycheck that you want deferred to your 401k each paycheck.
I need to change my Bond Clinic 401(k) contributions and/or investment choices.
- Log onto retiresmart.com.
- Click on My Account -> Contributions to change your contributions.
- Click on My Account -> Investment Selection -> By Myself to change your investment selections.
Still have questions? We’re happy to help you get up and running quickly!