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Avoid epic fail — accomplish those 2018 financial resolutions

I’m already tired of hearing about New Year’s Resolutions. I’m going to sound like a “Negative Nelly” but statistics show that most of them fail. The first two weeks of the year are usually a success but by February….well, you know.

Starting Line4 most popular resolutions for 2018

The most popular resolutions are:

  • Weight loss,
  • Exercise,
  • Better money management,
  • And debt reduction.




The Year 2018How not to fail at your resolutions – be realistic

Do people fail at those resolutions, including their financial resolutions, because they are unrealistic? Or because we feel like nothing is really evolving in our lives even though we are making changes? Are we taking them all too seriously?

Another thought: should we make a few small — realistic — resolutions in different areas of our lives, such as health and wealth, so that we can absolutely achieve those goals? Completing a few small resolutions is better than having one big FAIL, right?

So, my 2017 New Year’s Resolution was to do a Spartan race. I did it. It was hard and I’m going to do another one. However, I had to be realistic. I know that I will never run a Spartan as fast as Alyssa Hawley, but I won’t be last either!

Wealth Management on TabletDid you include wealth management in your resolutions?

I can’t give you advice about most resolutions because I’m not the expert — but I can speak to you about your wealth management resolutions. Make me your wealth management resolution partner! You can start wearing bracelets that say WWCD (What Would Cynthia Do?) Just joking, but I am here to help.

Last month I talked about the 3 things you can do right now to help you on the road to building your wealth in my blog. Did you do them? Let’s celebrate that milestone!

Millennial New Year Resolutions – funny, but also real financial questions

What’s next? Have you viewed #MillennialNewYearResolutions? I’m going to address the funniest ones I saw that happen to actually also be questions I receive every day from my clients. These ideas may help you make a stick-with-it resolution!

  1. Stop buying avocados that you don’t eat and save the money to buy your starter home (you know who you are) and depending on the tax laws may be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done but I will keep you posted…
  2. Stop trying to get your parents a better job to support you. They will be okay and will not die from empty nest syndrome.
  3. Don’t create 6 or 7 startup companies and then retire without a dime. (I can absolutely help you to accomplish this.)
  4. Stop playing with your fidget spinner and look up from your phone every 30 seconds. (I’m trying – so you can too.)
  5. Don’t have a Twitter tantrum every time you are not nominated for an award.
  6. Stop using #adulting when you complete an everyday task (Apparently this is also me)
  7. This is becoming personal so I’m ending it here…

A financial advisor can help in the new year, really!

To sum things up, a local financial advisor can help you in the New Year, no matter your resolution. Don’t call me bae, but you can call me your money buddy. No, that doesn’t sound right either. But call me anyway ?

January 2018

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